Saturday, April 29, 2017

a month in this thing called life.

Hi all, just a quick update, but mostly updated pictures.

April is a whirlwind month for us, but this April had additional stuff in it. Big moving....on April 1st. Our new house is just a few minutes away from our previous house, but this has been the longest move......EVER. While we were sad to be leaving the old house, the new house has proven to be a big blessing for our family. It is part of a 4 acre farm. The animals are not ours, but the kids get to enjoy them, and have learned a whole lot about farming in the past month. Phoenix is back there almost every day and has really found a passion with working with all the animals. There are cows/calves, horses, pigs, chickens, a pond, hills to run around and hide on, tons of gardening space, space to ride quads, bikes, etc. They are truly loving it.

April 5th was 9 years since Arianna died. Always like an emotional tidal wave leading up to the day. All the kids made a lei for her this year, a tradition started by Ken. We then released the flowers into the river on one of our favorite bridges. April 12th, Ken had a big celebration at work for his achievements there, and his 5 year anniversary. April 24th was our 16th anniversary. Bryce was baptized. Then there was Easter, and spring break, and moving, and moving, and moving more. As a photographer, I'm slammed this time of year, so add that into the mix of it all, and it's been a bit crazy stressful. May is almost here...whew.

Sierra was invited to a formal prom like dance...hosted by the Oakland Raiders. It's the first year they've done it, and it's for kids who are battling life threatening illnesses. We just passed two years since her surgery and cancer diagnosis. So, we made the treck down to Oakland last week, and she had an incredible night. The players spoiled these sweet kids, danced with them, and made it a very memorable experience.

Since last time posting, winter has calmed down a bit, though not completely. Ken's work still has about 8 feet of snow on the ground, with no end in near sight. But, he's made it home after work, which has been a nice change.

Health wise, everyone is pretty status quo. Sierra's migraines are manageable, Makenley is well and recovered, all the others (Other than a nasty respiratory virus that they all caught during spring break) are doing well. My own health remains about the same as well. Not better, not worse, really.

Adding some pics from this crazy month. Hope everyone is well!

Bryce's baptism

What spring break in the Sierra's look like. 

Checking out the pond.

Sierra went to prom tonight. Looking so beautiful and grown up.