Thursday, June 27, 2013

In 3 days....

In 3 days, this precious little boy will turn 3 years old!! Where on earth does the time go?! While it feels to be taking F.O.R.E.V.E.R to figure out what's going on with him and getting him better, the time is moving too quickly! I just want to freeze time and soak in these days of him being a toddler. Oh how I want to just breathe it in. Time really does go too quickly. They really do grow up in the blink of an eye. I love watching my kiddos grow and mature. But I wish we could slow it down a few notches.

A little about Bryce this year.......

Favorite foods: Pizza, Salad, rice, chicken and tacos.
Favorite animals: PENGUINS. He has tons of them!
Favorite things to do: color and paint, fishing, going to the park, riding bikes, swimming, reading books, kayaking and hiking, play baseball and soccer, wrestling with his daddy and brothers.
Favorite color: blue and red
New skills this year: can sing the ABCs, count, pick out matching clothes and get himself fully dressed, climb the climbing wall at the park, doggie paddle in the pool, draw, heart, square, pour his own milk without spilling (usually). :)

Happy 3rd Birthday to our sweet little guy. Can't imagine our life without him!

Here's a little slide show of the past year for Bryce.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lab results are in.

Just got most of Bryce's lab results back that were done when they did the biopsies. Most of his labs were within normal ranges.
The things that came back outside of normal ranges were his ferritin levels (low) and his neutrophils. (also low). The low ferritin is reassuring against HLH, since HLH typically comes with elevated ferritin levels. So that's a good thing. Doesn't tell us much else though.
He goes back to the GI doctor on July 3rd, the pulmonologist on the 12th and the oncologist on the 18th. All these appointments are in Reno. Then we'll get a date for Oakland for the sweat test and whatever other tests need to be done.
Thanks for the continued prayers.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"I dressed handsome"

The day for Bryce started out tough. He was up all night wheezing, vomiting and a fever. It started to clear some this morning, but was sent down for a chest x ray after being seen by the pediatrician. The chest x ray was normal, so more than likely it's croup. Thankfully, he been pretty stable most the day and has not needed anymore treatments.

A little while ago he came out of his room wearing his button down shirt and his pants, with Phoenix's tie and vest. And told me to take his picture, because he dressed 'handsome'. <3

Here are a few of his pictures.

Took Bryce out to do some outdoor pictures for his 3rd Birthday. Here are a few. :) To see the images larger, click on the image.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Done with Caring Bridge

I am moving Bryce's page to here. There was spam that was posted on his other site, so I'll feel better having a little more control over who can post on his page. I will be posting his updates here now.

For those of you who tried to view his last update, but couldn't access the site due to the security changes, I am reposting it here.

Just a quick update. Bryce's pathology report from the biopsies came back today. Not really showing much other than inflammation in the lining of the esophagus and some damaged cells. Could either be caused by his frequent vomiting, or the vomiting could be caused by the's unknown how they're related.
So, for now, he's being put on Zantac and another med is being called in that will coat the esophagus so hopefully those damaged cells will heal, and hopefully the inflammation will go down. Then in 2 weeks, he'll be rechecked.