Monday, June 6, 2016

Catching up.

Hope everyone is well!

It's been a while since I've posted any updates. Spring was so incredibly busy for our family, with all the end of year school functions, baseball season, etc.

The kids are all doing pretty good. In March, Makenley turned 2. In May, Sierra turned 14. In a few weeks Bryce will turn 6, and Phoenix will turn 10. (Kai'Lani and Zion's birthdays were back in January and February...which I've already shared about.) Phoenix and Bryce are wrapping up baseball season, and have really enjoyed their teams. Zion and Kai are signed up for soccer, which starts in the fall, and Sierra is heading to High School. Makenley is 2, going on 12. Incredibly smart and witty. She's completely potty trained, and just growing up way too quick!

Sierra's health has been a roller-coaster ride, which seems pretty typical. Lately, she's been doing okay. Had an appointment with the neurosurgeon today. There are some 'post operative' changes on the last MRI. He's pretty sure it's just scar tissue, but it will be monitored a little closer. Overall, she's doing well. Headaches have been minimal.

Summer break is here, and our days are filled with trips to the park, swimming in the lakes, rivers and creeks, watermelon, water balloon fights, nature photography, late nights by the fire-pit, making s'mores, surrounded by friends, building forts, kayaking, concerts, fishing derbies and jumping in rain puddles.

Sharing some pics that I've taken over the past couple months. If you're on my facebook page, you've probably seen most of these. :)

Have a good summer!

Final concert for middle school.

Snowy spring break.

Taking the chicks for a ride.

All 6 kids praying with and for each other.

Making a lei for Arianna.

Tutu and t-ball.

Sierra's had a couple trips to the hospital. Thankful for the good days.

Puddle jumping.

Swimming in the rain puddles. :)

Blowing bubbles