Friday, December 20, 2013

Running behind.

I am so far behind on getting Christmas cards out this year. Life has been busy (as usual!) and time has gotten away from me. I'm not sure I'll get them out before Christmas, so I thought I'd post some new pics of the kids here.

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Years!

Ken, Amber, Sierra, Kai'lani, Phoenix, Zion, Bryce, Arianna, and baby Makenley!

Sierra, 11 years

Kai'Lani, 8 years

Phoenix, 7 years

Zion, 4 years

Bryce, 3 years

Bryce's first Christmas performance at school.

Saying I love you from the stage. <3

Santa came to school!

Christmas 2013

Braving the below freezing temps to watch the parade of lights.














Merry Christmas!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Meet our smallest little princess,  Makenley Grace Terhune. Growing perfectly, healthy, strong and very active.

Monday, September 30, 2013

October begins tomorrow. It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Awareness month. Most people know about those causes and help support them. It is also Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, and SIDs Awareness month. Both things that hit so very close to home for us. Sadly, more babies are added to this video each year. It's painful to watch, but more painful for the families living without their precious little ones. A little info on what took our sweet Arianna.

Please take a moment to pray for these families.

 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a medical term that describes the sudden death of an infant which remains unexplained after all known and possible causes have been carefully ruled out through autopsy, death scene investigation, and review of the medical history. SIDS is responsible for more deaths than any other cause in childhood for babies one month to one year of age, claiming 150,000 victims in the United States in this generation alone - 7,000 babies each year -nearly one baby every hour of every day. It strikes families of all races, ethnic and socioeconomic origins without warning; neither parent nor physician can predict that something is going wrong. In fact, most SIDS victims appear healthy prior to death.'

While there are still no adequate medical explanations for SIDS deaths, current theories include: (1) stress in a normal baby, caused by infection or other factors; (2) a birth defect; (3) failure to develop; and/or (4) a critical period when all babies are especially vulnerable, such as a time of rapid growth.
Many new studies have been launched to learn how and why SIDS occurs. Scientists are exploring the development and function of the nervous system, the brain, the heart, breathing and sleep patterns, body chemical balances, autopsy findings, and environmental factors. It is likely that SIDS, like many other medical disorders, will eventually have more than one explanation.

Can SIDS Be Prevented?

No, not yet. But, some recent studies have begun to isolate several risk factors which, though not causes of SIDS in and of themselves, may play a role in some cases. We share this information with you in the interest of providing parents with the latest medical evidence from research in the U.S. and other countries in the hope of giving your baby the best possible chance to thrive. (It is important that, since the causes of SIDS remain unknown, SIDS parents refrain from concluding that their child care practices may have caused their baby's death.)

What SIDS is Not:

SIDS is not caused by external suffocation.
SIDS is not caused by vomiting and choking.
SIDS is not contagious.
SIDS does not cause pain or suffering in the infant.
SIDS cannot be predicted. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Here s/he is! The newest sweet little Terhune baby is growing perfectly!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I haven't posted an update in a while.

We have been sooo busy with school and soccer, there sometimes doesn't feel like there are enough hours in the day.

Because of the smoke that filled our valley for weeks, soccer was put off for a few weeks as the air quality was at a hazardous level. Now that it's cleared, everyone is soccer crazy....2 practices/2 games per kid each week = a whole lot of running. It's all good though, and the kids are enjoying it.
Bryce has done very well the past month so. He's had some little episodes of not feeling good, or a symptom here and there, but they have all been short lived. The doctors said that at 3 the immune system jumps into gear, so we're hoping that's the case. We're nervous for flu and cold season to start, but are hoping it will be better than the previous two years.

Other than that, things are going alright. Pregnancy is going pretty well. We're nine weeks now. Morning sickness tends to come in waves (usually) rather than an all day thing, making this my easiest one so far.

Thanks for the continued prayers and support.

Love to all of you.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Under construction!

Yep! Our family is under construction, AGAIN!! Our little surprise addition is due April 23, 2014. And for those of you who remember, this is also our due date for Arianna and Zion. Our timing is absolutely UNBELIEVABLE!!
Now that the shock of having another little one has worn off, we've had our ultrasound which showed a sweet little beating heart and a well implanted little one, we're excited and looking forward to adding to our family. Our kids are completely ecstatic! We told them last night, and there were a few hours of giggling and laughing and even some happy tears and some fearful tears, and Phoenix instantly went into care-taker mode, making sure I was eating/drinking right, bringing water and Gatorade, carrots, etc. We are truly blessed with these sweet kiddos.
Even though this is a surprise baby, for the first time since Arianna, I'm feeling at peace with this sweet little one. I don't feel so fearful, and I feel like it's going to be okay. It's nice to not feel so afraid.
So, I know we are always asking for prayers for Bryce, and please keep those prayers coming, but please add this new little one to your prayers as well, and for a healthy 7-8 months of pregnancy. Thanks!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Been a little while....

It's been a little while since I posted any updates.

With the car issues, and school and sports and everything else starting the last few weeks, things have been at a standstill with Bryce. Thankfully, he's had a couple decent weeks. A sick day here and there, but the breaks have been a relief. It's been a BUSY few weeks.

School started this week. We now have all 5 in school. Sierra is now in 6th, Kai'Lani in 3rd, Phoenix in 2nd, Zion and Bryce are in preschool. This is Bryce's first year, and he's loving it so far. As long as his health is manageable, we'll keep him in it. If it gets to be too much with all the germs, then we'll pull him out till later.

Soccer also has started. Sierra, Kai'Lani and Phoenix are all playing. Ken and I are still trying to figure out our schedules with that. Ken is going to training next week to become a ref. And our schedules just get crazier!

On the 12th, Phoenix turned 7. He had a pool party at our house, and had a great time. He enjoyed spending his day with so many friends and family.

That's about it for now.

Thanks for all the continued prayers. Here are some recent pics of the kids. Much love to all of you.


This last picture is a poem that Sierra wrote for school. She had to answer questions about her past, then turn those answers into the poem. Was pretty impressed. :)

It reads:
"Where am I from"
I am from sagebrush, from Starbucks and rainbows.
I am from the clash, the sunflower and the seed.
I am from church... and loudness,
from mom and dad. I am the turtle and the skunk.
From no climbing trees and no climbing fences.
I am from Jesus, our Savior.
I am from Vegas, milk and cereal.
From a lost love.
Arianna, my sister, died of SIDs five years ago.
No pain she suffered, in her sleep she died.
Her brief life changed my life forever.
I am from irreplaceable, invaluable photo albums.