Thursday, August 22, 2013

Been a little while....

It's been a little while since I posted any updates.

With the car issues, and school and sports and everything else starting the last few weeks, things have been at a standstill with Bryce. Thankfully, he's had a couple decent weeks. A sick day here and there, but the breaks have been a relief. It's been a BUSY few weeks.

School started this week. We now have all 5 in school. Sierra is now in 6th, Kai'Lani in 3rd, Phoenix in 2nd, Zion and Bryce are in preschool. This is Bryce's first year, and he's loving it so far. As long as his health is manageable, we'll keep him in it. If it gets to be too much with all the germs, then we'll pull him out till later.

Soccer also has started. Sierra, Kai'Lani and Phoenix are all playing. Ken and I are still trying to figure out our schedules with that. Ken is going to training next week to become a ref. And our schedules just get crazier!

On the 12th, Phoenix turned 7. He had a pool party at our house, and had a great time. He enjoyed spending his day with so many friends and family.

That's about it for now.

Thanks for all the continued prayers. Here are some recent pics of the kids. Much love to all of you.


This last picture is a poem that Sierra wrote for school. She had to answer questions about her past, then turn those answers into the poem. Was pretty impressed. :)

It reads:
"Where am I from"
I am from sagebrush, from Starbucks and rainbows.
I am from the clash, the sunflower and the seed.
I am from church... and loudness,
from mom and dad. I am the turtle and the skunk.
From no climbing trees and no climbing fences.
I am from Jesus, our Savior.
I am from Vegas, milk and cereal.
From a lost love.
Arianna, my sister, died of SIDs five years ago.
No pain she suffered, in her sleep she died.
Her brief life changed my life forever.
I am from irreplaceable, invaluable photo albums.


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