I haven't posted an update in a while.
We have been sooo busy with school and soccer, there sometimes doesn't feel like there are enough hours in the day.
Because of the smoke that filled our valley for weeks, soccer was put off for a few weeks as the air quality was at a hazardous level. Now that it's cleared, everyone is soccer crazy....2 practices/2 games per kid each week = a whole lot of running. It's all good though, and the kids are enjoying it.
Bryce has done very well the past month so. He's had some little episodes of not feeling good, or a symptom here and there, but they have all been short lived. The doctors said that at 3 the immune system jumps into gear, so we're hoping that's the case. We're nervous for flu and cold season to start, but are hoping it will be better than the previous two years.
Other than that, things are going alright. Pregnancy is going pretty well. We're nine weeks now. Morning sickness tends to come in waves (usually) rather than an all day thing, making this my easiest one so far.
Thanks for the continued prayers and support.
Love to all of you.
Wow I didn't even know you were pregnant. I guess I was so wrapped up in getting ready for the wedding I missed a post. Congrats to you all, you have a beautiful family Amber.