Thursday, August 24, 2017


We're getting down to the wire with the move, and unfortunately, nothing has opened up as far as housing goes. It's a tough market.

The stress of it all (house situation, health stuff, etc) is taking a toll on everyone in different ways. We've decided over the past couple days that we're going to let go, step back for a little bit, and put our focus back on our family, and making some new memories. We are going to set out on an adventure and spend some time traveling, visiting places we've always wanted to visit with the kids, and seeing family and friends that we haven't seen in a long time. We have destinations and goals in mind, but are going to be flexible through out the trip, with nothing written in stone as far as time goes, etc. We will continue looking for houses as we travel, so the length of the trip depend on that, as well. When it's all said and done, we just need a break--time to recover, refocus and reset, to focus on each other, enjoy life some and explore this beautiful country, and not on the terms or agendas of doctors appointments. (all the traveling we've done the past year or so has been because of an appointment or two.....with some fun squeezed in) 

Our good friends have set up a YouCaring fundraiser to help with some of the costs. If you feel inclined to help in any would be hugely appreciated! 

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