Thursday, August 24, 2017


We're getting down to the wire with the move, and unfortunately, nothing has opened up as far as housing goes. It's a tough market.

The stress of it all (house situation, health stuff, etc) is taking a toll on everyone in different ways. We've decided over the past couple days that we're going to let go, step back for a little bit, and put our focus back on our family, and making some new memories. We are going to set out on an adventure and spend some time traveling, visiting places we've always wanted to visit with the kids, and seeing family and friends that we haven't seen in a long time. We have destinations and goals in mind, but are going to be flexible through out the trip, with nothing written in stone as far as time goes, etc. We will continue looking for houses as we travel, so the length of the trip depend on that, as well. When it's all said and done, we just need a break--time to recover, refocus and reset, to focus on each other, enjoy life some and explore this beautiful country, and not on the terms or agendas of doctors appointments. (all the traveling we've done the past year or so has been because of an appointment or two.....with some fun squeezed in) 

Our good friends have set up a YouCaring fundraiser to help with some of the costs. If you feel inclined to help in any would be hugely appreciated! 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

doctors, school, moving.

Hi all. Hope everyone is doing well.

We had Sierra's appointment with the new neurologist in Vegas. We were happy with the doctor, and left feeling confident that switching was the right thing to do. We've agreed to change up some meds...start Sierra on some new preventive meds, and some to take when the migraines break through those. They are really old meds that very rarely get prescribed anymore, but the doctor is hopeful they will help. The pharmacy hasn't had them in stock, so we will start them as soon as we get them. The doctor was pleased with our decision to home school, and encouraged it for the flexibility in the days, so Sierra could rest when needed.

School started this week. All the kids are loving their teachers and classes, and are enjoying being back. Makenley has adjusted really well in preschool, and is loving it.

Thank you so much for the prayers and well wishes after my last blog post. Unfortunately, the drama has continued to escalate around here. And unfortunately, nothing has opened up. Or if it does, we have missed it. I don't have time to sit around on the computer all day to jump on a place as soon as it's listed, so, luck has not been ours in that area. I have never felt so discouraged, fearful or hopeless when it comes to our living situation, as I am now....though, I am thankful to be getting my kids away from the B/S that goes on around here daily, that is totally out of our control. First Bryce was having the panic attacks being here, and now Makenley has followed.

I'm not sure what will happen in the next couple weeks, but we definitely need the continued prayers.


attaching a few pics from the past few weeks.

In the Disney store in Vegas. Where Ken and I met. 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

New update.

Hi all. Hope everyone is doing well.

Crazy how fast these months have gone since we last posted an update. Summer is very quickly coming to a close....such a bittersweet time. Sierra is going into her sophomore year, Kai'Lani is going into 7th, Phoenix 6th in middle school, Zion 3rd, Bryce 1st and Makenley starts PreK this year. Sierra most likely is going to start out home-schooled till we get her migraines controlled again.

We are all hanging in there, I think. As mentioned up there, Sierra is still struggling with the migraines, and we are switching neurologists from Oakland to Las Vegas. She has her first appointment on Thursday. The other kids are doing well, and keeping busy.

About a week ago, if we're friends on Facebook, you most likely seen a request for prayers for our family. I didn't share the exact reasons, but shared that we had some tough decisions to make. Many of you sent messages or texts asking if we were moving to Vegas, as we had just returned. That is not the case, but we are moving.

We moved to this house in April. We absolutely loved the house, the location, the farm, etc. But, since moving in, it has been a constant state of drama and anxiety, that has progressed and gotten worse. We moved into the middle of an unknown, ongoing battle between the owner of the property and the neighbors. Had nothing to do with us, as it was going on before we moved in, and was not disclosed, among some other things that should have been disclosed that could be effecting health stuff. Once we became friends with the neighbors, it became fuel for the owner, and the feuds got worse and uglier. Ugly fences with hate messages have been built to separate our family from the neighbors, threats have been made, police have been called several times, attorneys have been hired and law suites have been filed from numerous neighbors....with no resolve in sight. Two weeks ago, the owner asked for Ken to come back to talk after work. As soon as he got to the back, he walked into her screaming, yelling, cussing at him and threatening him....over something he had absolutely nothing to do with. It was at that point, we decided we had to make some changes.

The following morning, Ken and Zion were heading out of town to kids camp. The rest of the kids and I were planning on staying in town, but maybe taking a day trip to Sacramento at some point, but decided that our mental health relied on getting away from the drama, and took a spontaneous trip to Vegas for those five days. It was a great trip, so nice to see so many wonderful friends who are more like family, and not have to worry about the battles at home. We also made some preparations for the upcoming appointments. When it came time to come home, Bryce had a complete panicked meltdown, saying he wanted to come back to Gardnerville, but not the house, that it no longer felt like home anymore. Once we got home, the tears started again, and the kids just didn't want to be here. So, Ken and I spent several hours talking and praying, and came to the conclusion that we were going to talk with an attorney to get out of our lease and give our 30 day notice, and pray that something else will open up that will be fitting, and safe for the family. The thing is, there isn't hardly anything available in this we're holding onto hope that we will find something. Currently, we're not in a position to buy, as we are drowning in medical, our options are limited.

So, this is where we need the prayers. We have 3 weeks to find a place, move, go down to Vegas for medical appointments, get the kids ready and in school, and somehow figure out all the details that come with a move that wasn't planned for. It's a lot of stress. Most the time, we're feeling confident that the decision to get out of the toxic environment was the best choice....but other times, there is insecurity and panic. I know that everything will somehow work out, but it's a scary and crummy place to be.

If you pray, we'd really appreciate the prayers. Prayers for guidance, and clarity and wisdom, for Sierra's appointments and finding something to help the pain. And if you live in the Gardnerville/Minden area and know of something available, let us know!
On another note, I'm attaching some pics from the summer. For the most part, it's been a good summer--minus the migraines and drama and now the sudden, unanticipated move.

Take care.