Oncology. Neurology. Urology. Neurosurgery. Physical therapy. Speech therapy. Occupational therapy. MRI. Ultrasound. Cancer. Headaches. Dizziness. Pain. Meds. Incisions.
All words that seem to have suddenly become a part of our day to day conversations over the past three weeks. We are still trying to wrap our minds around it all, and I haven't been up to writing or talking much. Not that there's much to update for now, anyway.
On Sierra's good days, we all seem to have better days and can focus elsewhere for a bit. On her bad days, we all seem to feel the sting, and our mood and emotions sit with her pain. Like a heavy wet blanket.
The last two days have been decent days for her. A mild headache here and there, but manageable. She tells us her pain level from 1-4, with 4 being the worst, and it's been around a 2. On Monday, it was a 4. She started physical therapy today. It was mostly just measurements, strength testing, balance, etc. She's still showing quite a bit of weakness in her right side...but something they think will get better as she goes through the therapy.
The urologists office and I have been playing phone tag for the last four days. This is to check on her kidney.
Tomorrow we will schedule an appointment with neuro-oncology. They no longer come to Reno, so these appointments will be in Oakland.
She was supposed to see the neurosurgeon on Monday, in Reno, but on the way up there, the office called and said the doctors flight had been cancelled. Haven't been able to get a hold of them to reschedule, but will try and schedule both neurosurgery and oncology together to cut down on a trip.
Homeschool is going well for her. She likes her teacher, and is able to work at a pace she can handle for now.
Other than that, we're all hanging in there. On an emotional rollercoaster ride of a lifetime.
Thanks for the continued prayers. Please continue to pray for her. And pray for our other kids who are trying to grasp all that is going on.
Love to everyone.
check out these two links about the research that Duke University is doing.
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