I keep saying that I'm going to be better about updating the blog so that those who like to follow but are not on social media can stay updated--but when it comes down to actually doing it, I haven't been very good or consistent.
We are all hanging in there as best as we can. Like the rest of the world, we are just trying to ride out these waves--practicing physical distancing, trying to adjust to new routines of homeschooling and digital classes, and trying to adjust to new norms of the world--telemed appointments, video conferencing through meetings and groups, on line church, disinfecting my house numerous times per day, only leaving the house to get fresh air or when absolutely needed, etc. For this family who thrives in social settings, and invites and serves others in our home weekly--this isolation has not been easy. But we are doing what we have to do.
Ken is considered essential at work, and is still working. While we are thankful that we still have income coming in, it is definitely more stressful than it has been in the past, because we don't know who or what he is coming in contact with. The resort is closed, and he's not dealing with the general public, so that is a bonus. He is mostly doing safety work--snow removal, etc. I have been off since January due to surgery, and wasn't released back to work before the schools shut down, so not much difference for me. I'm also not taking doula or photography clients--except some video support.
The kids are doing pretty good, considering all that's going on. We are super proud of them, and how they adjusted. They are all thankfully healthy. Just trying to keep everyone's emotional moral high. Getting outside for hikes and fresh air, away from people of course, seems to help, while not over-saturating them with the news and current world events, and not stressing over school work and routines and reassuring them that what ever gets done for the day, is enough. Trying to give them space to take breaks, to get alone time, to talk, to get creative, to set their own boundaries and share their own needs, letting them have their tears and fears and excitement and joy, while trying to encourage and remind them that we are getting through this together. This new normal looks different than it ever has, and it's a learning curve for all of us, and is requiring a lot of love, acceptance, patience, grace and space for all the emotions and feelings that come from having 8 people living under the same roof, who are totally out of our comfort zone of isolation. It's emotionally and physically exhausting at times, but this is how we are getting through every day right now. And thank God for technology....which helps us all stay connected to our friends and community outside these walls.
In other non-virus related news: Kai'Lani turned 15 in January, Zion turned 11 and Arianna would have turned 12 in February. Makenley turned 6 in March. Sierra got her drivers license and clear MRI scans and turns 18 next month. Bryce will turn 10 in July, and Phoenix will turn 14 in August. I had surgery on my shoulder in January, we took a trip to Salt Lake in March--before all went crazy. Our anniversary is in a couple weeks, and we will celebrate 19 years together. <3
Yesterday, the 5th, was 12 years since Arianna passed away. Ken made our traditional lei--40 flowers, one for each day she was alive. We later went out and threw the flowers into the river. Phoenix threw the flowers, and they landed in a perfect heart shape as they floated down the river. It was a beautiful moment in the midst of tears and grief.
I'm sure there are other things I could talk about, but I'm just going to share some pictures from the past few months. Hope you enjoy!
Again, I hope everyone is doing well, is healthy--and stays healthy. Love and miss you all. Please keep in touch.
@ the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness walk with our friends Ash and family, in honor of Arianna and Kaydence.
Friends in Vegas
Friends from Vegas. We used to work together @ Vons.
With our friend/Aunt Angela.
With friends in Vegas.
@For King And Country concert. Makenley's first concert.
@For King and Country Concert.
Zion and Bryce's sweet teachers did a home visit.
With Deanna and Shelley
Choir concert
Makenley's teachers did a home visit.
Choir concert
Cookie swap/decorating party
Makenley and her bestie, Faith
Ski day @ Kirkwood.
Makenley and Ryker. NICU roommates.
My support heading into surgery. They stayed the night to help get the kids off to school in the am.
Bryce and Zion's class went and spent Valentines Day at the senior center instead of having parties. Such a sweet day for all of them.
Sierra got her drivers license...and a few minutes after, we got the results from her 5 year MRI.
On our way to Utah.
Enjoying the pool/hot tub at the hotel in UT.
Riding the train to the Planetarium in down town Salt Lake
Excited for her birthday
She's 6!
Our first weekend of social distancing.

Hiking the Pine Nuts.
How school looks these days.
Bryce has always admired MLK, and loves learning about him. The new picture he drew.
Virtual Bingo game with friends.
Chalk art the kids made.
Rocks they painted and left around the neighborhood.
Arianna's flowers, that landed as a heart.